Sunset Bible Camp 2024 Registration

High School: June 2-7 | Middle School: June 9-14 | Thank you for registering for the Youth Summer Camp 2024! We look forward to seeing you there and helping you unleash your full potential.
Sunset Bible Camp 2024 
8474 S 369th West Ave, Mannford, OK

High School: June 2-7 | Middle School: June 9-14

Please provide the following information to register for the CCY Summer Youth Camp. The registration fee is $275 per student. We understand that financial circumstances may vary, so if you require assistance in covering this fee, please indicate that below. We believe that every child should have the chance to be part of this incredible journey!
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Emergency Contact Information

Photo/Video/Film Release Policy

When registering at Sunset Bible Camp, you are authorizing Sunset Bible Camp the use and reproduction of any and all photographs, video or film taken of the person whose record you are updating during program activities. There will be no compensation to you. All negatives and positives, together with said prints, video or film are the Property of Sunset Bible Camp, solely and completely. You also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video or film taken during your visit. I affirmatively release and discharge Sunset Bible Camp from any responsibility for any distortion or manipulation, whether intentional or otherwise, of photos, video or film taken of my person or registrant.

Bed Bug Policy

Bed bugs have unfortunately become a modern-day menace and it is difficult to find someone who has not been affected by this pest. Here at Sunset Bible Camp we have in place a strict set of procedures that help to keep us bed bug free and deal with any bugs that are brought in by guests. Our approach is outlined below so you can see for yourselves the measures we take to ensure your stay at camp is as comfortable and worry free as possible.

Cabin checks for bugs are performed immediately after a group departs before the next group arrives, as part of our normal cabin sweep procedures. Preventative spray is used on each bed and cabin to stop any bugs brought into a cabin laying eggs. We are proud to team with Superior Termite and Pest Control Incorporated to provide each cabin with an extra level of preventative spraying throughout the year. If any signs of bed bugs are found during inspections, after a group has left, we immediately use specialized heating equipment to heat the cabin to at least 150 degrees F for 3 hours. We ensure that any bugs, nymphs or eggs are destroyed. We then clean the cabin thoroughly and use preventative spray on the beds.

Sunset Bible Camp enjoys hosting more than 2,000 guests a year and when dealing with such a number of guests, it is likely that guests will occasionally bring bed bugs into camp with them, most of the time being unaware that they are doing so. Click here to see a copy of the letter that is posted for all our groups, summer camp families and conferencing groups prior to their registration, advising them on how they can prevent bringing bed bugs to camp. We are confident in the efforts to which we go to ensure that you are protected from this nuisance and we want you to rest assured that keeping camp bed bug-free is one of our highest priorities…along with creating magical memories for all our guests. If you have any questions about our bed bug prevention steps please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please select all that apply.


High School: June 2-7 | Middle School: June 9-14
Thank you for registering for the Youth Summer Camp 2024! We look forward to seeing you there and helping you unleash your full potential.